Vision, Passion and Action working together in complete synchronization to bring dreams to life - this is the EPS story, in short.
It all began in the year 2009, when the great visionary and educationalist par excellence, Prof. M H Dhananjaya and his son Mr. D. Sudhanva, began exploring the prospect of going beyond the boundaries of Excel Soft Technologies, a thought leader in the field of technology-enabled learning solutions. In the realization of their unusual wisdom and foresight was born Excel Public School, with the lofty vision of ‘Empowering young minds towards a progressive and humane society’. Over the past 10 years, we have been passionately engaged and deeply engrossed in a mission to create a happy, caring, secure, value-based and stimulating environment for our learners, with a creative and effective integration of technology across the whole curriculum, to prepare citizens of tomorrow who are intellectually sharp, physically sound, socially responsible and morally and ethically upright. I am happy and proud to say that our journey thus far has been intensely satisfying and extremely enriching, although there is a lot more we need to accomplish.
Excel Public School started off small, with 41 students and 6 teachers in a makeshift accommodation in Hootagalli, a suburb of Mysore. In 2010, we moved into our own premises beside Excel Soft Technologies, with a student strength of 269 ranging from Playschool to Class 6. Since then, there has been no looking back. Today, EPS stands with a student strength of 1561, from Classes LKG to Plus 2, with a team of 101 teachers, 14 Administrative and 84 ancillary staff (Total - 199) on our roll. In 2015, we relocated to this unique campus, equipped with unmatched learning facilities and a pristine learning environment.
The Teaching-Learning experience at our School is designed to be holistic by making it interdisciplinary, integrated, project-based, and constructive. Learning is extended well beyond the prescribed syllabus and textbooks . Creativity, innovation, civic engagement, communication, collaboration, accountability, initiative, responsibility and leadership are the ‘tools of the trade’ in our school. Cooperative and collaborative learning styles make the students responsible for their own learning along with imparting valuable social lessons. We also incorporate understanding of the natural world and appreciation of human diversity into every aspect of our curriculum. The school environment is contemporary, peaceful, student-friendly, inclusive and scholastic, wherein technologies of the present blend harmoniously with the age-old wisdom of the past. Concepts and information explored in classrooms and textbooks are blended with real-life experience through field trips/visits, interaction with experts, film shows, documentaries, theatre, music and dance.
I am proud to say that the unique and unmatched teaching learning infrastructure that EPS is equipped with is one of the best in our country today, if not in the global landscape. The ‘Innovation Centre’, set up in our school, the only one of its kind around, fosters creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in our students. Mentors and Teachers design multifaceted challenges and projects that require students to think critically, solve problems, research solutions and perform meaningful tasks, thereby promoting skills and competencies required for the 21st century, and preparing young learners for life, employment and citizenship in the ‘new age’. A unit of the Atal Tinkering Lab, an initiative of the Atal Innovation Mission under NITI Aayog, Govt. of India, has been set up in our School for the promotion of inter-disciplinary, project-based and STEM learning, and has already begun to produce young innovators and inventors. Our libraries, computer labs and resource rooms help students and teachers further their learning beyond classrooms.
The bedrock of our institution, apart from the presence of a progressive and enlightened management, is a team of dedicated, caring and passionate educators, who have set high benchmarks for instructional competence, professional growth and individual excellence. The regular and rigorous professional development programs offered to the teachers and their constant efforts to empower themselves with contemporary pedagogical approaches and practices keep our team of educators true learners of the art and science of facilitation. As a professional learning community, we are committed to sustaining a student-friendly and stress-free environment in our school, which is a precondition for true learning to happen and flourish.
A healthy compatibility between the school and the parents with regard to the vision and mission of the institution, its philosophy and its approaches to teaching and learning, is a prerequisite for its effective functioning. We are proud to be blessed with a very active and supportive community of parents. They have been our constructive critics, benign guides and active supporters all through past ten years. We fondly cherish their association with us by welcoming their participation in the various programmes at our School, as guests, resource persons, facilitators and volunteers on various occasions through the academic year. We are confident that we can always count on them and, as an institution, we look forward to their continued patronage and guidance.
We believe that our school should be an asset to society, and its engagement with the community should be productive, meaningful and sustaining. Hence, we have never missed an opportunity to throw open our own facilities to the society, especially to the teachers and students of our neighbourhood, including those of government schools, to further their learning, and to kindle and promote their curiosity. Our teachers and students have always been at the forefront of any program aimed at creating civic sense, environmental sensitivity and social responsibility. The Charity Fund maintained by our parents, teachers and students has been a great boon to many needy individuals and organizations working for the welfare and uplift of the marginalized and under-privileged.
The efficacy of the fertile and free atmosphere for education that prevails in our institution is made visible through the achievements of our students over the past ten years. Our students have been demonstrating their prowess almost from day one, representing the institution in various events within the district, at the state and national levels, and in both scholastic and co-scholastic events. Their exemplary performance reveals them to be self-motivated and self-directed bundles of talent. In the recent past, the students have demonstrated their global reach by making a mark in the international circuit too, winning prestigious awards, scholarships and trips to visit hallowed grounds in the field of education and higher learning. The school has also produced brilliant sportspersons who have performed exceedingly well at the state, national and international levels in their chosen fields.
Now, as we set foot into the second decade of our existence, we are all set to build upon the excellent foundations that have been laid down over the last ten years. With our unique resources, both human and physical, under the guidance of our Management and the patronage of our parent community we, at EPS, undertake the task of creating learners who will have global skills and competencies, and be prepared to forge new paths, while being devoted to lofty ideals and passionate about their purpose. We embark on this arduous task with humility, faith, love, joy and great eagerness.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” That is the EPS way, and the trail we hope to leave a will, God willing, continue to produce citizens of the world who believe in being creatively inclined, morally upright, socially responsible and self-reliant individuals who can lead themselves, their communities and their nation to greater heights.
Thank You!
Mathew K G