Flash New for today holiday Demo description. Flash News 0905 New Updated FW Flash News This is the flash news description 1804 this is new website for EXCEL PUBLIC SCHOOL Hootagalli. Foundation School 23012023 Evry time this is the case description end MR MAHESH nothing Declare The Holiday Tomorrow

The New Education Policy (NEP 2019) proposes sweeping changes in the Indian education scenario.

"The Foundational Stage envisions an integrated approach to Early Childhood Care and Education; for children between ages 3-8. The transformative nature of this phase of education is expected to qualitatively improve the contents and outcomes of education, thereby, impacting the lives of our children towards a better future. All studies and research related to the early period of development of a child, unambiguously lead to the conclusion that high-quality care and education during this period has a lifetime of positive consequences for all individuals and thus, the nation."

-  (Excerpts from the NCF for Foundational Stage 2022-NCERT)

At Excel Foundation School, we strive to make learning exciting and relevant to the present scenario. We create purposeful learning experiences within vibrant and resourceful indoor and outdoor environments. Our goal is to foster independent learning and empower children to make their own choices. Each learning module is carefully designed to cater to the young learners' skills, needs, abilities, and social context. Our students exhibit diverse interests and possess big ideas.

We employ a variety of methods to facilitate learning, including play, conversations, storytelling, toy-based learning, songs and rhymes, music and movements, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games, and nature exploration. Additionally, we organize field trips and assign occasional home-fun activities that not only reinforce concepts but also provide engaging challenges across various subjects, bridging the gap between school and home.